Sunday, December 11, 2016

Brand Journalism: Is it really controversal?

Brand Journalism is a word you hear often but may not actually know the meaning of. To some it is a great thing and helps bring in revenue, while others say it does not following the true meaning of being journalism. These people can be divided into two categories: Traditional journalists and brand journalism. Traditional journalism follows older foundations set at the beginning if journalism. While brand journalism looks at a new approach to still making money while being a journalist. This is what has caused the controversy between both roles, but while it may be bad there has been some good too. There are just as many negatives as there are positives, it just takes a reader who can tell the different and come to the appropriate thought.

            To understand why brand journalism is controversial you must first understand what traditional journalism is and why they view the other side the way they do. Traditional journalism works by gathering information, assessing, creatingstories, and making sure these stories help readers make the best possiblechoice or decision about something. (Cowlin, 2014) This is a time-consuming process that makes it longer to get a story out to the readers and or viewers but overall is for the good more than the bad. Traditional journalism follows a rule referred to as the “Fourth Estate” that sets the standards for journalism to keep it truthful and informational without personal opinions or thoughts. This is a major difference between the two, because one feels opinion is alright to have while the other side sees things differently.

            Brand journalism is a form of journalism as used to advertise or persuade readers and or views to a certain direction. It is known for being used alongside content marketing where there is a specific audience in mind and the story is used for profit. (Cowlin, 2014) This types of journalism is used to make a profit which makes readers and viewers question the ethnicity of the story. Though some of these stories are just marketing ads that help to sell items or benefit a company. The issue with this though is that even though a company pays for their brand to have a good image if the company is a bad company overall it will not help them. They can have all the positive feedback and advertising and stories they want but if a customer calls into a call center just to spend hours waiting to solve an issue then it truly does not help the company.

            Journalists want to give you a story and you can form your own personal opinion on it. While a Brand Journalist wants to persuade you to a side. This is what they are paid to do and this is also the reason they are seen negatively. You must question how real a story is when someone is being paid to make something look a certain way. We have seen this a lot during the last election. When a party is paying someone to make the other party look bad then things will be taken out of context. It was so bad during the election that they had to start running statements each party said about the other through fact checking sites. This is where you can see that just people you are being paid for a story, when you put in personal opinion you can have devastating results on someone’s life or goal. This was made known more now than ever but it was also made known the fact people are not able to tell the difference in these types of stories. This tells you we have some good journalists out there who can take false facts and turn them truthful all because they convinced one person to share a story.

            Brand journalism will only continue to grow. They have mastered how to use the internet to advertise and tell their stories. They have mastered getting news out quickly, and to make it eye catching to who their intended viewers are. The viewers are just going to have to become better at telling truth from false because in this world the quicker the news is released the better your ratings.


Burg, N. (2014, May 14). Journalists vs. Marketers: How to Ease Tension Inside Brand Newsrooms — The Content Strategist. Retrieved December 11, 2016, from

Cowlin, M. (2015, January 12). Why the Controversy? Traditional and Brand Journalists Need to Hug it Out - Thismoment Content Marketing Blog. Retrieved December 11, 2016, from

Wandrick, J. (2015, August 22). Color Her Fierce. Retrieved December 11, 2016, from

Sunday, February 28, 2016

RISE Self-Evaluation

The purpose of this assignment is for us to evaluate ourselves and how
we believe we done over the month. Also to tell what we liked throughout
the month and what we wanted to learn more about and also how it will
help us in our future careers.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Fictitious Project Revision

The purpose of this assignment was to take feedback on our Reel Deal Tacos sites and improve our websites. Using the YouTube review gave a visual of things that need changed. 

 The first thing that I changed was adding the logo as the main image on the home page instead of the boat picture.

 The next change I made was to the menu page, I changed the image in the background to a single image instead of multiple images.

 Next I reduced the bio to the most necessary information to the business. That way there is not too much to read.

 Lastly I changed the background image on the FAQS page to a question mark instead of the cut-off logo. 

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

RISE Portfolio Feedback

I had the pleasure of  reviewing Malikah Frederick's portfolio site.


    Over all I love this layout. The color is calming and not overpowering. I love having the video at the end of the page.


    Did you consider putting your name towards the top of the page? Also do you plan of adding content to the circle at the bottom or do you plan n getting rid of the?


I would suggest adding your name towards the top of the page so people do not have to search for it. I would also suggest using the same font for the titles in the same cases.


    Perhaps you could add your descriptive line under your picture above your picture with your name. Give people an exact idea who you are before they even need to scroll. Also the circles at the bottom could be great for showcasing some of your work as well.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Portfolio Site

Portfolio Site

Are you proud of what you created here? Why?

I was kind of rushed but I am pretty satisfied with what I have starting.

    Do you understand how you'll leverage this site moving forward? Explain.

Yes, I do understand how I’ll leverage this site moving forward.

    What area of your portfolio site do you feel is the strongest? Why?

The mission statement part of the site is the strongest part of the site. It gives an extra guarantee.

    What area do you feel needs the most work? Why?

The whole site still needs work; I need to add more personal detail.

    What are 3 goals you'd like to set for yourself when revisiting this site in upcoming portfolio courses?

To add some of my actual work, to feel comfortable sharing the site, and to give it more of a completed feeling.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Diigo Exploration

 The purpose of this assignment is to use article found and the
Diigo site to book mark them with notes so we have material to refer back to while working on our portfolios.

College Students: How to Create Your Professional Online Portfolio

 Why did you choose this particular article? Creating an online portfolio can be a great advantage to getting a job.
    Identify 3 points of interest from the article - What did you learn? Three points of interest I found was the list of what is needed, that a preparation time is suggested, and that each step is broke down and easy to follow.
    How can you apply the insight gained to the portfolio site you are building this week? It give me an idea of things I may need to look for within my portfolio that may need added.

How-To Price Freelance Projects Successfully

 Why did you choose each particular article? Freelance is something I know nothing about, so getting some insist on the subject is helpful.
    Identify 3 points of interest from each article - What did you learn? Three interesting points I found was adding a buffer and why it is useful, how to collect money up front and thing to look for to avoid certain clients.
    How can you apply the insight gained to the portfolio site you are building this week? I can look at how long it took me to create the portfolio and get an idea of just how much a project like that would cost.

How to self-promote without being obnoxious

Why did you choose each particular article? Selling yourself correctly is an important thing, you need to be confident but not overly so.
    Identify 3 points of interest from each article - What did you learn? Focusing on results when promoting yourself is important, praising others is a good thing as well because you’re not solely focusing on you, and do not make the entire conversation about you.
    How can you apply the insight gained to the portfolio site you are building this week? While the focus is on the owners, at the same time we need to focus more on the business itself.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Site Launch

The purpose of this assignment was for us to use our proposal to create a website. To see if we truly had the ability to deliver what we promised.

 Reel Deal Tacos

For the most part I was able to deliver mostly everything I promised. Since we did not have a picture of the couple who owns the company I had to improvise on that part. The hardest part for me was trying to find an interactive map that would work with this website since it was just for show and not actually creating a real one. I would of liked to incorporate some more images if possible but I do not want to stray away from the original idea too much and to also change the logo a little.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Content Management Systems (CMS)


Why did you choose that particular platform?
 This was the second site I looked at and as I was looking I realized that this has the user easy features I wanted.

Have you used it before? If so, what was your experience?
No I have not used this site before, but I do see myself using it again.

Why did you choose that particular template/theme?
If you are advertising fresh seafood why not show the sea, then. I liked the classic look to the site and to the picture.

What features will you leverage to meet the business needs of your fictitious client?
This site is very easy to manipulate and change to what I need so it will be easy to add the information and pictures needed to meet what I recommended.

Have you used any CMS that you would NOT recommend? Why?
I first started trying to use Adobe Muse, while I think this one would have been great I think some experience is needed before using it.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Writing for the Web


Looking for some organic, friendly, ocean inspired food? Try Reel Deal Tacos located in sunny San Diego, California. Owners Brenda and Robert Thomas specialize in fresh fish tacos on an easily located food truck. Visit for locations and a menu.


Sunday, February 7, 2016

Proposal, Site Map, and Wireframe

Proposal Draft


As the web strategist it is my job to create a user friendly site that will bring attention and clear location of the food truck. To keep the users interested and involved by using the latest social media platforms tied into the website. The website will feature pictures of the food, locations of the truck, and any new information to give them a live update. I will make the vision of the owners of Reel Deal Taco’s not just a vision but a reality.


We will design a user friendly website that will draw the attention of the desired age range of 15-50, though I would maybe change this age range so it doesn’t vary so much especially with the ever changing technology and social media platforms. We will tie a Facebook and Twitter account to the website so that consumers can get up-to-date information on locations so no one will ever waste time trying to find the truck. We can use snapchat to not only update location but to also offer deals for a limited time. This is why earlier I recommended changing the age range, especially since most of the location right now are on campus. This way we can reach a large range of people and also people will have the ability to share their experience to bring in more prospective customer.

Next Steps

To get started we need the domain to where is registered. We will want to stick with most of the original designs to keep a personal touch but ad some photos to the online menu. Next we will set up the Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat accounts. Offering promotions for people who add multiple social media platforms. Even perhaps do a contest for most shares. The business can expect to still have a feel like this is there business even though we are putting everything together.

Site Map

·      Logo for business
·      Short introduction about company
·      Interactive map
·      Social media platforms
·      Hot deals or daily specials
·      New items

·      Feed of any major news that has been posted to any of the social media platforms

·      Picture of the owners at the top
·      Underneath include back story to the business

·      Food items
·      Prices
·      Pictures
·      Descriptions
·      Mention of freshness
·      Nutrition values

·      Daily regular locations

·      Is the food freshly made?
As a business we strive to provide the freshest food we can.
·      How do I find you?
The map on the main page will let you search to see if we are near you, you can also refer to the location tab to see daily locations.
·      What is the price range?
Most items range from .50 cents to $7.00, if you refer to the menu tab you can not only see the food items but also prices.




Saturday, February 6, 2016

Compeitor Research

The purpose of this assignment is to teach us what kind of things should and should not be included in a website. These offered some great examples.  

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Content Strategy

The importance of this activity is to teach us the importance of content strategy and why we need to us it and how. Creating the correct message with designs.

Three points of interest from this lesson was the four focus, it was a good way to organize yourself from the beginning. The second was the content audit, visually seeing a way to audit this and how to figure out what you need to work with gets you going in the right direction. Last is defining your audience, this is something I know that I personally make to wide of a variety at times.

I would like to know more about developing personas. I usually have difficulty developing my audience and what people in those audience will be like or how the project will be used by them. I have a tendency to make it too wide and think all personas will get the exact same information when that is not necessarily true.

This information will help us by creating our content strategy and organizing what we need to work on this month. This would have been a great video to see before doing the Remy’s Food Truck assignment in a previous class.