Thursday, February 26, 2015

Week 4 Reflection: Project Revision

The major change that I made to this video was the voice over. I increased the volume so that it could be more easily heard. I also re-recorded the voice over and tried to add more emotion to it. I also tried to make it sound like I was not just reading the word off of the page.

Week 4 Reflection: RISE Self-Evaluation

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Week 4 Reflection: RISE Peer Feedback

Hello Sean, I had the pleasure of reviewing another one of your assignments. I like how honest you were with your story. Another thing I really found inspiring was your willingness to find a job you do not like just so that you could make money. Even though jobs like that did not work out for you, sometimes people forget that income is income. I do wonder though did you consider using more personal images? Or even using creative commons images? Perhaps you should consider this when revising your project. A good about of your images have “Shutterstock” across them, which leads me to believe these images are actually copyrighted. The direction of career we all are going for is going to require more images we personally take. For the most part everything was great, images told the story. Only other suggesting I could make would be to show more emotion in your voice, I know this can be hard to do but it could help with the story more. Hopefully you found some of this useful.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Week 3 Project: Digital Storytelling with Mobile Devices Challenge

Description of what we used:
 Giovanni used Trello and a
couple Google Docs to create our workspace. Dallesandra used a Galaxy Tab 4 to
take pictures. We also used Gmail to communicate, and for Dallesandra to send
Andrea the pictures. Andrea downloaded the pictures from Gmail to her phone a
Samsung Galaxy S5. On the Galaxy S5 Andrea created the video using Viva Video

My Reflection:
My role on the team was video editor; I put
all the images Dallesandra took into our group video. I made sure to keep daily
contact with everyone, and give my ideas when I could. The surprise of this
challenge was exactly how hard it is to create a video using a mobile phone. I
will not take my computer for granted every again. I am proud that I was able
to get something put together and to add a song into it. Original Dallesandra
had created a song for our video but it had not sent properly and with the time
restraint I decided to just go ahead myself and add one. This was a challenge
overall but I did learn even though I thought this would be impossible I was
able to do it. I do wish all team members had participated though; I think it
would have been a lot easier having all four members working together.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Week 3 Practice: Shot List

Shot List
Because our commercial has no real script we did not do a conventional shot list. We based the shots off of the idea and images Dallesandra created. I cannot wait to start my video next. 
Media Needed:
mother and son walking into grocery store
mother and son pushing grocery cart
son asking to push the cart
son at the bakery getting a cookie
both at the deli
son picking fried chicken
son weighing veggies
son picking veggies
son picking fruit
son weighing fruit
both walking down isle
putting groceries on the conveyor belt
son paying
both leaving
little boy all grown up walking into a grocery store
man smiling
man looking down at child
child tugging at man
child pointing to cart
father and son pushing cart
store name

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Week 3 Analysis: Businesses & Audiovisual Media

Analysis of Science World, Dollar Shave Club and Full Sail University

The Full sail video is used as a recruitment video by describing the university and how they set students up to succeed. They explain how their studios are comparable to some of the top studios in the world. With empowering the studios by giving them the “Launch Box” package with industry needed software. The education you received is closely related to the actual career by the amount and time given to complete your work. They also explain all of the different technology and how they use it and how they solve problems.
In a way this video does tell a story because of how explain your journey. They tell you how your experience is going to be and how they are helping you along the way. They also tell you why things are set up this way, so you know exactly what to expect on your journey through Full Sail.  

The Dollar Shave Club video is used to promote a new product by involving humor, like all of their other videos. In all reality most of their videos are serious but you do not catch onto that easily because of the humor masking it. By using this humor they can talk about subjects like, wiping, and it not disgust people. The references are made towards men, which are who they are mostly targeting, so men can relate to this easily. They actually do pretty well at promoting their “One Wipe Charlie” wipes; it actually makes you consider it. There is no story to this ad, just manly humor. I am not sure that they could actually tell a story with the type of ads they normally make.

The science world video is inviting because they make it seem like a fun environment. They are energetic, reacting with each other, and singing and being crazy. These are appealing things, and make people want to go and be part of it. They give you a tour of the place while dancing around and lip-syncing to information. The video is eye-catching; the music is older but still familiar with people of all ages thanks to many ads. This video actually even caught my husband’s eye while I was watching and he started asking what it was for and where it was. It has people of all ages, so everyone age wise can relate to it. Overall, I think this is the best video/information I have had to review about them so far. I actually found them more interesting with this. There is really no story to this, but even without a story it is still good.

Week 3 Practice: Team Organization

Group Name: Burnt Toast
Creating a commercial with a mobile device
  • Team Leader -  Giovanni Santory
  • Documentarian – We are all sharing this.
  • Researcher - We are all sharing this.
  • Lead Writer - We are all sharing this.
  • Photographer/Media Producer – Dallesandra Santiago
  • Audio Engineer - Possible Myself
  • Video Editor - Myself
  • Strategist - We are all sharing this.
My role this week is Video Editor. Working in a group is especially hard this week because it seems like many of us are time restraints; I know I am myself. We have done our best to work together and get as much done as possible. As of right now Giovanni created our workspace, Dallesandra came up with the idea for our script and wrote it for us. Hopefully she’ll have the images ready for editing tomorrow or Saturday so I can get started with my part more in-depth. 

For our week 3-team collaboration we decided to do a grocery store commercial.
We are going to use images and music to showcase our project. So in essence the only verbally scripted part would be the very last image and a voice-over would say “Publix. Where Shopping is a Pleasure.

Here is a synopsis of what the commercial will consist of:
A little boy going grocery shopping with his mom. They go through the isles. He wants to push the cart. He wants to weigh the veggies. He talks to the deli and bakery people. He puts the food on the belt and even asks to pay for the groceries. He’s happy. He and his mom walk out of the store. (blurry memory sequence...cut to a grown man walking into a grocery store smiling and looks down and his son is tugging on his leg and asks if he can push the cart.
Insert tag line of the store: Publix. Where shopping is a pleasure.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Week 2 Analysis: Businesses & The Visual Web

This week we had to analyze Dollar Shave Club on Instagram, Full Sail University on Pinterest, and Science World on Facebook.

There is a lot of visual content on Full Sail’s Pinterest page. All of it is campus or class related. They have the different degree programs listed with pictures, and even some student’s work with pictures. They show different designed for Mac Book covers. They have housing listed with pictures and also other things that are near the campus. They even have a board for Full Sail’s Hangr where you can look at their gear.

The content supports Full Sail because it shows not only the available degrees and what is going on, but also what campus life is like. It gives you an inside look at what goes on without having to much information to read. They show people who you may see on campus and people they would love to see on campus, and these people are people whom most of us would love to work with. They also show you what your surrounding will be like. They do prepare you for your college life with much more than just the education part.

The negative thing about promoting with Pinterest is that you cannot engage with your audience as easily. Mostly all you can do is follow people.

The visual content Dollar Shave club shares are very humorous. They either have pictures with their shave boxes with funny lines on them, or they have funny pictures with their name some where in them. They either have images to promote how their razors are a great gift for people. They even have some funny images that you have no clue how they relate or how someone would consider doing that. They even relate some of their other products to things that require some thought on how they relate.

Everything you see on their Instagram page is funny. It even contains some of their witty lines that are on razor boxes. Humor is something that they are known for, and you catch onto that easily when you see their ads. With Instagram when they post images they can post a caption, but there is also a place for comments. So they can comment back to people on the comment feed.

The visual content Science World shares on Facebook is pictures of exhibits at their museum. They also shares pictures related to other articles on their Facebook. All images are scientific related so they follow the concept of Science world. This is also how they follow their brand. They show images of kids having fun and learning, but they also show images for informational articles.

They have a couple options on how they can communicate with their audience. In a way each post that they create is a way for communicating to their audience. They also can post comments and comment back to other people’s comments. They also communicate with them by posting pictures of their audience, of people who have visited.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Week 2 Exploration: Storyboard

Week 2 Practice: Visual Communication

This is my cluster for Strategy. I choose these four images because I felt they described using strategy well. In order to play chess, you have to pre-plan your strategy and try to plan your opponents next move. With Pac Man it is kind of the same thing, you need to have a good strategy to not only get all of the dots but to also avoid the ghosts. If you have a strategy with Sudoku you will enjoy playing it a lot more, it is a little simpler that way. Last, creating a play book for sports, is you creating a strategy for your moves. Overall, these all properly represent strategy.

All three images:

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Week 1 Project: My MCBS Story

Before I started the MCBS Program I was managing a Great Clips in Columbus, Ohio and wondering what was next. My goal with my shop was to win a Main Sail and Brand Excellence reward; I managed to do that within the same year. After that, I considered a position as a Business Service Specialist, but they choose someone with a degree that would help with the position. I had always thought I wanted to move up into corporate, but for a decent job you need a degree. But then my husband started at Full Sail University in Game Design, and that gave me a first hand look at what the courses were set up like.
I watched to see how many assignments he done in a week, and when they were due. Because of that I actually realized that Full Sail’s online option was something that could fit into my schedule. I did not have much spare time with managing a busy store and also being a wife and mother. Also to add to that my son has behavior problems that also adds a lot of doctor appointments to my schedule as well. So seeing first hand how much time I would have to dedicate made my decision to go back to school easier.
Because of that I started looking around at what courses were offered online that peaked my interest, because I really did not know what I was looking for or what I really wanted to do. Originally I found the Public Relations Master’s Degree, but I needed a different degree to start with. Because of that it made for a lot of researching until I found the right course. Until finally I found the MCBS program, and it interested me because not only will it lead to a new career option after school but I can also use it at my current job now. Another benefit was that it offers more than just public relations, so I have options. And ever since I decided to pursue my passion for media and I am enjoying the journey along the way.

The two blogs I read were Amy Kilgore’s and Karen Ramirez’s. The things that I found helpful or supportive from these two blogs were different for each person. From Karen’s story I can relate to having my husband support me to go back to school and needing the flexibility, and the will to do more with a career. While what I found helpful from Amy’s requires a little more explanation. She also has worked in the hair business, and here in Ohio there is a pattern to what happens. Typically people who get a Cosmetology license will go into the healthcare field because of how closely related some info is. Well that is not the field I wanted to go into, and when I say what I am going to school for customers just look at me and say “Well you must be serious about this then.” So for me it is just nice to see another hairstylist going for something out of the norm for what happens here in Columbus, Ohio.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Week 1 Analysis: Businesses & Blogs

                                 Similarities, Differences, and what makes them special: Full Sail University, Dollar Shave Club, and Science World

What makes Full Sail University special is not only is it a university, but that their blog focuses more on their students and the University than it does sailing a product.  Full Sail relies on past students and their success to prove their credibility to the audience. The site is very simple and dark, not over crowded or containing too much color. They focus not only on their hall of fame; which is the success of past students, but they also focus on show casing currents students work and accomplishments. They also share their news by different degree categories, so you can read what interests you without searching through multiple titles.

What makes Dollar Shave Club special is the way they set the website up to appeal the their target audience. The main audience for them is men, while they also know information for women as well. They post different types of trivia on the blog for men to try and figure out. Some of their articles may seem like things that are random they are things that people should really know about. They explain in depth how a membership with them works, and the product add-on that you can get.

What makes Science World special is that it is a physical place to learn that offers memberships (yes you can learn at Full Sail too but not in the same kind of way). They having hours posted and you can even buy tickets online. Science world is a not-for-profit organization. They are based in Canada. They offer not only memberships but you can also join different things. They even promote their volunteer opportunities.

All three of these blogs have a few similarities. All three have organized information into different categories. Showing different things like most recent post and also their most popular posts. They all are very informative with their information; just how they deliver it is done differently. They all contain links to their professional websites and also to the social media sites they have. Each other them have a blog created to capture their targeted audiences. All three blogs establish their credibility in some way weather it be by what they post or the reviews on them. All three blogs also commutate with their viewers, the time frame it takes for them to reply is different though. They all promote what they are about or what they are trying to sale.

Full Sail University and Dollar Shave Club’s blog are similar because they are both promoting something. While you might look at Full Sail’s blog and think how is this promoting something, the fact is that it is promoting in a secretive way. They both use information from sources that have experienced what they have to offer to sale the idea to you. They are quick to reply when people have questions or need more information about something.

Full Sail University and Science World’s blog are similar because they both promote more serious educational topics. While Full Sail is at a college level, Science world promotes to multiple levels. The information is all displayed more seriously for the articles, not displayed with much humor at all. They both are physical places that you can visit, and walk around to learn more.

Science World and Dollar Shave Club’s blog are similar because they both use humor in their ads. While Science World does keep their articles more serious, they use similar humor as Dollar Shave Club does. Not all of the humor is clean humor either, some of it may actually make people uncomfortable based on their views. Humor is a great tool for advertising because it makes you remember the name of the company and what they have to offer you.

Week 1 Practice: RSS & Industry Blogs

The content I choose to follow is all related to media. It covers al different types of media from journalism to social media. Talking New Media contains information on different companies and how they are releasing different things digitally. Advertising Age shows a lot of different commercials and advertisements. BuzzMachine is more about journalism and its responsibility to society. The classmates I choose to follow I have worked with before, and seen some of their work. I want to see all of their new work as well.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Week 1 Practice: Start a Blog & Tell a Story

Before I started the MCBS Program I was managing a Great Clips in Columbus, Ohio and wondering what was next. I had always thought I wanted to move up into corporate, but for a decent job you need a degree. But then my husband started at Full Sail University in Game Design, and that gave me a first hand look at what the courses were set up like. Because of that I actually realized that Full Sail’s online option was something that could fit into my schedule. Because of that I started looking around at what courses were offered online that peaked my interest, because I really did not know what I was looking for or what I really wanted to do.
Because of that it made for a lot of researching until I found the right course. Until finally I found the MCBS program, and it interested me because not only will it lead to a new career option after school but I can also use it at my current job now. And ever since I decided to pursue my passion for media and I am enjoying the journey along the way.