Week 1 Project: My MCBS Story
Before I started the MCBS Program I was
managing a Great Clips in Columbus, Ohio and wondering what was next. My goal
with my shop was to win a Main Sail and Brand Excellence reward; I managed to
do that within the same year. After that, I considered a position as a Business
Service Specialist, but they choose someone with a degree that would help with
the position. I had always thought I wanted to move up into corporate, but for
a decent job you need a degree. But then my husband started at Full Sail University
in Game Design, and that gave me a first hand look at what the courses were set
up like.
I watched to see how many assignments
he done in a week, and when they were due. Because of that I actually realized
that Full Sail’s online option was something that could fit into my schedule. I
did not have much spare time with managing a busy store and also being a wife
and mother. Also to add to that my son has behavior problems that also adds a
lot of doctor appointments to my schedule as well. So seeing first hand how
much time I would have to dedicate made my decision to go back to school
Because of that I started looking
around at what courses were offered online that peaked my interest, because I
really did not know what I was looking for or what I really wanted to do.
Originally I found the Public Relations Master’s Degree, but I needed a
different degree to start with. Because of that it made for a lot of researching
until I found the right course. Until finally I found the MCBS program, and it interested
me because not only will it lead to a new career option after school but I can
also use it at my current job now. Another benefit was that it offers more than
just public relations, so I have options. And ever since I decided to pursue my
passion for media and I am enjoying the journey along the way.
The two blogs I read were Amy Kilgore’s
and Karen Ramirez’s. The things that I found helpful or supportive from these
two blogs were different for each person. From Karen’s story I can relate to
having my husband support me to go back to school and needing the flexibility,
and the will to do more with a career. While what I found helpful from Amy’s
requires a little more explanation. She also has worked in the hair business,
and here in Ohio there is a pattern to what happens. Typically people who get a
Cosmetology license will go into the healthcare field because of how closely related
some info is. Well that is not the field I wanted to go into, and when I say
what I am going to school for customers just look at me and say “Well you must
be serious about this then.” So for me it is just nice to see another
hairstylist going for something out of the norm for what happens here in
Columbus, Ohio.
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